Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants,…
Articles Posted in Citizenship & Naturalization
Happy Fourth of July!
“Immigrants signed their names to our Declaration and helped win our independence. Immigrants helped lay the railroads and build our cities, calloused hand by calloused hand. Immigrants took up arms to preserve our union, to defeat fascism, and to win a Cold War. Immigrants and their descendants helped pioneer new…
Impact of New Americans: Missouri, Nevada, North Dakota & Ohio
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released ten more states, for a total of thirty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration…
Impact of New Americans: Alaska, Indiana, Georgia & Maine
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released ten more states, for a total of thirty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration…
Resources for Citizenship – Find Local English and Citizenship Classes!
If you are searching for “English as a Second Language” or “Citizenship” classes in your local area try using the America’s Literacy Directory (ALD). First you choose the type of class/classes you are looking for, then just type in your zip code or city/state and active the search. If the…
Impact of New Americans: Tennessee, Texas, Utah & Vermont
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released the first twenty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the…
Impact of New Americans: New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island & South Carolina
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released the first twenty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the…
Impact of New Americans: Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky & Minnesota
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released the first twenty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the…
Updated Service Center Processing Times
Processing Time reports for all of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Service Centers were released on 5/21/13 with processing dates as of 3/31/13. If you filed a petition with one of the Service Centers, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your…
Impact of New Americans: Delaware, Florida, Hawaii & Illinois
Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets! The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released the first twenty updated state-by-state fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the…