The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Articles Posted in Immigration News
USCIS Teleconference – Fee Rule Engagement with USCIS Director León Rodríguez – 11/2/16
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be holding a stakeholder teleconference on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 between 3:30 to 4:30pm (Eastern). The subject of the event will be the “Fee Rule Engagement” and will include Director Rodríguez introduction and a Q&A session. Director Rodríguez will discuss the…
USCIS Immigration Filing Fees to Increase
USCIS has raised its immigration filing fees effective December 23, 2016. Applications and petitions postmarked or filed on or after December 23, 2016, must include these new fees. Please note that USCIS will reject your submission if the fees are not correct! New USCIS’ fees effective December 23, 2016…
Economic Power of New Americans (Update) – Michigan, Minnesota & Mississippi
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Statement by Secretary Johnson on Southwest Border Security – 10/17/16
On October 17, 2016, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Jeh Johnson released a statement on Southwest Border Security. He states that in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY2016) the total apprehensions by Border Patrol on the U.S.’s southwest border was 408,870. This total represents an increase over FY2015’s number…
Economic Power of New Americans (Update) – Maine, Maryland & Massachusetts
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Economic Power of New Americans (Update) – Kansas, Kentucky & Louisiana
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Economic Power of New Americans (Update) – Illinois, Indiana & Iowa
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Economic Power of New Americans (Update) – Connecticut, Delaware & Florida
The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics and other details. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each…
Updated Service Center Processing Times (7/31/16) – New Addition of YSC
Processing Time reports for all of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Service Centers were released on 9/15/16 with processing dates as of 7/31/16. If you filed a petition with one of the Service Centers, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your…