
Articles Posted in Immigration Reform


Effects of the proposed immigration reform legislation on Social Security

Senator Marco Rubio, one of the republican members of the Gang of Eight requested that the U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of the Chief Actuary study the effects of the proposed immigration reform legislation, S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Reform Act on this country’s Social…


Hearing on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation – April 17

**The hearing date has been re-scheduled for April 19th at 10:00am (EST). Senator Leahy, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman has announced that a full committee hearing on comprehensive immigration reform has been scheduled for April 17th. The Senate hearing will be held at Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.…


Alternatives to the H-1B Visa for Individuals who did not make the FY2014 H-1B Quota

Now that all of the new H-1B visas for the 2014 Fiscal Year have been allocated, What options do Employers who are looking to hire Foreign National Professionals have? Here are some creative solutions to this problem: OPT – STEM Extension If the company is registered for E-Verify, the database…


“Path to Citizenship” – Senate Plan proposes time periods

The Bipartisan “Gang of Eight” Senators working on Immigration Reform have proposed a “Path to Citizenship” for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this nation. After qualifying, they would have to wait ten (10) years for a Green Card and another three (3) years to be eligible for citizenship. The…


Immigration Reform – President meets with Religious Community

President Obama and members of his senior staff met last Friday (3/8/13) with a diverse group of religious leaders from across America. I have included the list of participants below. The White House meeting was held to update these leaders on the progress of immigration reform and to give them…


Undocumented Immigrants – five details you need to know

Various proposals for Immigration Reform have included a “Pathway to Citizenship” for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants already living in this country. There are many misconceptions about this group; we call “undocumented immigrants”! I recently read an article entitled, “5 need-to-know facts about undocumented immigrants“. I have included the…


Import Our Workers or Import Our Food

About 300 farmers gathered on Wednesday (2/27/13) in Raleigh, NC at the North Carolina State Legislative Building. They were there for a press conference and the release of the North Carolina Farm Bureau’s (NCFB) “North Carolina Agriculture Workforce Report – February 2013”. The NCFB conducted a farm labor survey of…

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