
Articles Posted in PERM – Labor Certification


BALCA Affirms Denial of Labor Certification for CEO of Closely Held Corporation

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the final determination of a Certifying Officer (CO) denying labor certification for an alien worker for the position of “Chief Executive Officer.” An Audit Notification was issued by the CO on April 28, 2006 requesting documents showing the company’s finances,…


BALCA Affirms Denial on Ground That Alien Did Not Meet Educational Requirements After Revision of Form 9089

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the final determination of a Certifying Officer (CO) denying labor certification for an alien worker for the position of “Assistant Manager.” The Employer originally stated on the ETA Form 9098 that the position required a high school education and 24…


REMINDER – Submit your questions

MVP “Q & A Forum” – This Friday, September 17, 2010 We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer…


October 2010 Visa Bulletin

The Department of State has released its latest Visa Bulletin. Click here to view the October 2010 Visa Bulletin. The October 2010 Visa Bulletin still shows employment based third preference (EB-3) visas as oversubscribed while the employment based second preference (EB-2) is current for all areas of chargeability except for…


BALCA Affirms Denial Finding Recruitment Report Inadequate Proof of Web Advertising

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the final determination of a Certifying Officer (CO) denying certification. The Employer filed an Application for Permanent Labor Certification for an alien worker for the position of “Programmer.” An Audit Notification was issued on September 11, 2007 for the purpose…


REMINDER – Submit your questions

MVP “Q & A Forum” – This Friday, September 3, 2010 We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer…


MVP LAW GROUP – Q&A Forum, August 20, 2010

Question #1 – Temporary Work Visa – H-1B Nonimmigrant Visa Can more than one (1) employer file a temporary (part-time) H1B visa application on my behalf at the same time? For a part time H1B worker, what is the minimum number of hours per week and days per week of…


REMINDER – Submit your questions

MVP “Q & A Forum” – This Friday, August 20, 2010 We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer…


BALCA upholds denial of Labor Certification – Alien Worker did not meet the Employer’s Minimum Job Requirements

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the final determination of a Certifying Officer (CO) denying labor certification for an alien worker for the position of “Supervisor.” The employer filed an application for labor certification which was accepted for processing on February 8, 2006. ETA Form 9089…


REMINDER – Submit your questions

MVP “Q & A Forum” – This Friday, August 6, 2010 We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer…

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