
Form I-9, ICE Audit Initiative

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) launched a bold new audit initiative on July 1, 2009 to combat the problem of hiring of an illegal workforce.

On July 1, 652 businesses nationwide were served with Audit Notifications indicating that ICE would be inspecting their hiring records (Form I-9) to determine whether they are in accordance with the employment eligibility verification laws and regulations.

The businesses presented with the Notice of Intent to Audit Form I-9 were selected as a result of leads and other information obtained through other investigative measures.

This is the first step for ICE in its nationwide plan to promote compliance with the employment eligibility laws through an effective I-9 Audit system.

*Form I-9 must be completed for each new hire. The form requires the employer to review several personal identification documents of the new hire (i.e., passport, permanent resident card, employment authorization card, driver’s license, birth certificate, military id, etc) and to determine the genuineness of the documents.

If you are interested in conducting an I-9 Audit to ensure your company’s compliance with the employment eligibility verification laws and regulations, feel free to contact our office.

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