USCIS announced on Friday, May 24th that L. Francis Cissna had resigned as Director effective June 1st. L. Francis Cissna wrote, “At the request of the President, I submitted my resignation today effective June 1, 2019,”! He has been the Director of USCIS since October 8, 2017 and was appointed…
H1B Visa Lawyer Blog
MVP “Immigration Q & A Forum” – This Friday, May 31, 2019
We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer those questions and provide the Q&A on our H-1B Visa Lawyer…
BALCA Finds Employer’s Attempts to Screen U.S. Workers Insufficient
The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the decision of a Certifying Officer (CO) to deny labor certification for the position of “Hardwood Floor Installer.” Upon evaluating the Employer’s Application for Permanent Labor Certification, an Audit was issued. In this Audit Notification, the CO asked the Employer…
USCIS Completes Data Entry of FY 2020 H-1B Cap-Subject Petitions
USCIS announced (by news alert) on Friday, May 17, 2019 that they have completed the data entry of all Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 H-1B cap – subjected petitions that have been selected randomly through a computer generated process. USCIS will begin returning all H-1B petitions that were not selected but…
Upcoming Congressional Hearings on Immigration
Senate Thursday, May 23, 2019 Committee: U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Title: Resources Needed to Protect and Secure the Homeland Time: 9:30 am Place: SD-342, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. Note: Check title link for live streaming video of hearing at scheduled time, if…
Reminder – Alternatives to the H-1B Visa for Individuals who did not make the FY2020 H-1B Quota
Now that all of the new H-1B visas for the 2020 Fiscal Year have been allocated, What options do Employers who are looking to hire Foreign National Professionals have? Here are some creative solutions to this problem: OPT – STEM Extension If the company is registered for E-Verify, the database…
MVP “Immigration Q & A Forum” – This Friday, May 17, 2019
MVP Law Group, P.A. makes available the information and materials in this forum for informational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice or any contractual obligations. Further, the use of this site, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create…
Visa Bulletin – June 2019
The Department of State has released its latest Visa Bulletin. Click the link to view the June 2019 Visa Bulletin The monthly Visa Bulletin has changed. The bulletin now summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during the reported month for: “Application Final Action Dates” (consistent with prior Visa Bulletins) and…
USCIS Names New Deputy Director, Mark Koumans
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that Mark Koumans will be the next Deputy Director of USCIS, as of Monday, May 13, 2019. He will replace Acting Deputy Director Tracy Renaud who has been in that position since March 2018. Deputy Director Koumans is described as a career federal…
MVP “Immigration Q & A Forum” – This Friday, May 17, 2019
We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer those questions and provide the Q&A on our H-1B Visa Lawyer…