
H1B Visa Lawyer Blog


USCIS Modifies H-1B Selection Process!

USCIS announced that they have published the final rule in the Federal Register, implicating the Trump Administration’s modifications to the H-1B Visa Program! These changes will affect H-1B cap selection process, amend current lottery procedures, and prioritize (increase) wages! Joseph Edlow, USCIS Deputy Director for Policy stated, “The current H-1B…


President Trump Removes Nomination of Chad Wolf!

On January 3rd, President Trump sent a nomination withdrawal to the Senate for Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad F. Wolf. Wolf has been Acting Secretary of DHS since November 13, 2019 and was appointed by President Trump.     Source of Information: Whitehouse (, 1/7/21, NOMINATIONS & APPOINTMENTS: Three…


BALCA Upholds Denial for Failure to Specify Location of NOF Posting

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) recently affirmed the decision of a Certifying Officer (CO) to deny labor certification for the position of “Travel Agent.” After receiving & reviewing an Employer’s Application for Permanent Labor Certification, the CO issued an Audit notification. It required the Employer to present…


Haitian Family Reunification Parole and Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Programs to be Terminated

The Trump Administration announced that it will terminate both the Haitian Family Reunification Parole and Filipino World War II Veterans Parole Programs! They published a notice in the Federal Register on December 28th, and USCIS will accept public comments for 60 days. USCIS stated in their news release that, “These…

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