Articles Posted in DACA

On Wednesday, January 24th, President Trump gave an impromptu news conference at the White House, just outside of his Chief of Staff, General John Kelly’s office where a small group of reports had gathered. He talked about many things including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). President Trump said, “Tell them not to worry. We are going to solve the problem,”! When President Trump was ask about Citizenship for DACA recipients he said, “At some point in the future, over a period of 10 to 12 years,”!

For more detailed information about this subject, please read the CNBC News Article, “Trump: DACA recipients will ‘morph into’ citizens over 10 to 12 years

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On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, thousands of protesters gathered outside of the U.S. Capitol to demand legislation to protect young, undocumented immigrants from the Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that President Obama implement using a Presidential Executive Order and President Trump recently canceled! The cancelation of the DACA program leaves approximately 800,000 former DACA recipients legally unprotected and soon with no legal way to working. Their work permits will expire starting March 5.

Nearly 200 of the protesters were arrested during this protest, including many Maryland local and state lawmakers, Montgomery County Council President Hans Riemer (D-At Large), Maryland State Delegate Ana Sol Gutiérrez (D-Montgomery), Maryland State Del. Jimmy Tarlau (D-Prince George’s) and Mount Rainier Councilwoman Celina Benitez.

For more detailed information about this subject, please read the Washington Post News Article, “Thousands rally outside Capitol to demand DACA solution; Md. lawmakers arrested“.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has changed is truly an understatement! On September 5th, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) started the completed phase out of the DACA program as ordered by President Trump.

President Trump says he has a “great love” for these young immigrants that were protected under the DACA program and hopes “Congress will be able to help them and do it properly.” He has also promised to revisit the subject if Congress doesn’t act but no one really knows what that means.

DACA phase out

Senator John McCain, AZ (R), made his first TV interview since his diagnosis of brain cancer in July! On Sunday, September 10th, Senator McCain appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper. He talked about many things from his illness to Politics but one of the most important issues to him was the Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or often called the Dreamers. Senator McCain feels that Congress should pass permanent protections for the, “Dreamers” now that President Trump has canceled the program after a 6 months grace period. He would like the protections for these young people to be part of a comprehensive immigration package. McCain stated, “It is not conscionable to tell young people who came here as children that they have to go back to a country that they don’t know,”

For more detailed information about this subject please review the news article, “John McCain: ‘Not conscionable’ to deport ‘Dreamers’”.

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On Tuesday, September 5th, President Trump released a statement canceling the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which has protected 800,000 young adults from deportation. The president has placed a six month delay on the cancellation hoping that Congress will enact their own version of DACA and protect these young people. Below are two links to President Trump’s complete DACA statement; the first link is to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which has been annotated and the second link is to Fox News which only includes the text.

SPLC – President Trump’s DACA Statement, Annotated

Fox News – President Trump’s statement on DACA

The USCIS statistics on DACA Initial cases for the second quarter of FY2017, from 1/1/17 to 3/31/17 show a total of 10,362 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 17,275 requests approved, and 3,049 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Renewal cases for the second quarter of FY2017, from 1/1/17 to 3/31/17 show a total of 122,428 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 107,524 requests approved, and 1,127 requests have been denied.

This DACA Report includes data for FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015, FY2016 and FY2017. The USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/12/12 to 3/31/17 show a cumulative total of 1,771,475 DACA requests accepted for processing, 1,372,377 biometric services appointments scheduled, 1,586,657 requests approved, and 74,997 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Initial cases for the first quarter of FY2017, from 10/1/16 to 12/31/16 show a total of 15,201 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 18,429 requests approved, and 2,130 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Renewal cases for the first quarter of FY2017, from 10/1/16 to 12/31/16 show a total of 95,009 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 103,792 requests approved, and 664 requests have been denied.

This DACA Report includes data for FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015, FY2016 and FY2017. The USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/12/12 to 12/31/16 show a cumulative total of 1,638,685 DACA requests accepted for processing, 1,372,377 biometric services appointments scheduled, 1,462,258 requests approved, and 70,901 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Initial cases for the fourth quarter of FY2016, from 7/1/16 to 9/30/16 show a total of 15,856 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 12,616 requests approved, and 2,755 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Renewal cases for the fourth quarter of FY2016, from 7/1/16 to 9/30/16 show a total of 61,025 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 62,302 requests approved, and 743 requests have been denied.

This DACA Report includes data for FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015 and FY2016. The USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/12/12 to 9/30/16 show a cumulative total of 1,528,479 DACA requests accepted for processing, 1,372,377 biometric services appointments scheduled, 1,340,305 requests approved, and 68,240 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Initial cases for the third quarter of FY2016, from 4/1/16 to 6/30/16 show a total of 20,796 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 13,332 requests approved, and 3,040 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Renewal cases for the third quarter of FY2016, from 4/1/16 to 6/30/16 show a total of 65,369 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 15,513 requests approved, and 730 requests have been denied.

This DACA Report includes data for FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015 and FY2016. The USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/12/12 to 6/30/16 show a cumulative total of 1,451,195 DACA requests accepted for processing, 1,373,033 biometric services appointments scheduled, 1,267,834 requests approved, and 64,269 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Initial cases for the second quarter of FY2016, from 1/1/16 to 3/31/16 show a total of 14,495 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 13,540 requests approved, and 2,571 requests have been denied.

The USCIS statistics on DACA Renewal cases for the second quarter of FY2016, from 1/1/16 to 3/31/16 show a total of 29,296 DACA requests accepted for processing, (N/A) biometric services appointments scheduled, 25,991 requests approved, and 766 requests have been denied.

This DACA Report includes data for FY2012, FY2013, FY2014, FY2015 and FY2016. The USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/12/12 to 3/31/16 show a cumulative total of 1,358,520 DACA requests accepted for processing, 1,373,033 biometric services appointments scheduled, 1,239,404 requests approved, and 61,248 requests have been denied.

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