Articles Posted in Immigration News

Last Sunday, February 22nd, I watched the 87th Academy Awards with millions of other viewers across the world. It was nearly over with only one award left to be given, the Oscar for Best Picture. Actor Sean Penn was brought out as the Presenter and he quickly opened the envelope! He then stated, “Who gave this son of a bitch his green card?” as he presented Mexican Director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu the Oscar for Best Picture for “Birdman.”

Iñarritu got the last word by dedicating the Oscar to his fellow Mexicans! In the last line of his acceptance speech he stated, “I just pray they (immigrants) can be treated with the same dignity and respect of the ones that came before and built this incredible, immigrant nation.”

The “Birdman” director later told reporters about Penn’s joke, “I found it hilarious. Sean and I have that kind of brutal relationship where only true friendship can survive.” I will say one thing about Penn’s off color joke; at least it got us to think about how immigration affects all of us!”

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will be holding a stakeholder teleconference on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 between 3:00 to 4:00pm (EST). The subject of the event will be a “Dialogue with USCIS Director León Rodríguez” and will include his introduction and a Q&A session. León Rodríguez was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in June and sworn in on July 9, 2014, as the new director of USCIS. For more information on this teleconference please review the Meeting Invitation.

Event Information:

DATE: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 pm (EST)

Processing Time reports for all of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Service Centers were released on 2/11/15 with processing dates as of 12/31/14.

If you filed a petition with one of the Service Centers, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

California Service Center (CSC)

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) process over 100 million international air travelers to the United States each year. They have released four new videos to help improve the international traveler’s experience. These videos are available in many different languages on the CBP web site. Acting Assistant Commissioner for Office of Field Operations, John P. Wagner stated, “These new videos will inform visitors and citizens on CBP procedures so travelers know what to expect prior to arriving in the United States.”

The four videos are:

Know Before You Go – This video provides advice for U.S. citizens traveling abroad.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Office of Foreign Labor Certification (OFLC) has provided FY2015 statistics (first quarter) in the form of program factsheets for each of the major immigration programs. These updated FY2015 statistics (first quarter) cover October 2014 through December 2014.

The link to each program factsheet is listed below:

Permanent Labor Certification Program – Select Statistics, FY 2015 (first quarter)

Guest Blogger: Melodie Hagner-Salava

As a Mom of an 11 Year old daughter, I frequently find myself in discussions with her about topics that appear on the news. Since the Immigration Crisis and Obama’s Executive Action had flooded the screens, I am sure I am not the only parent has fielded questions from their child about these issues. Unlike some parents, I am lucky enough to have more knowledge on the subject than most. However, it is still nice to able to have other resources to aid me in my discussions. I also want to make sure I am explaining things on her age and grade level.

During one of my Google searches, I came across an article that was published in the January issue of Time magazine on the subject of talking to children about immigration. The article recommended guidance for three different age groups, Elementary, Middle and High Schools, from William Perez, Professor of Education at Claremont Graduate University and author of the book “Americans By Heart: Undocumented Latino Students and the Promise of Higher Education.” Perez feels one of the most important ideas for all kids to understand that immigration didn’t stop at Ellis Island and it continues every day in our country.

Processing Time reports for all of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Service Centers were released on 1/12/15 with processing dates as of 11/30/14.

If you filed a petition with one of the Service Centers, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

California Service Center (CSC)

Guest Blogger: Klaudia Hall, Esq.

Washington State will start this spring licensing legal technicians, non-lawyers, to provide legal advice and assistance to clients in certain areas of law without the supervision of a lawyer. Also known as “triple-LTs,” they will be free to set their own fees, work independently of lawyers, and open their own offices. To become an LLLT, an applicant must have at least an associate’s degree and complete 45 credit hours of core curriculum taught at community colleges in the state. Proponents maintain that LLLTs will help to address the justice gap where low income people with legal problems are unable to obtain or afford legal representation.

*UPL = Unauthorized Practice of Law

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been operating nine military grade drones (Predator B) to police our southern border with Mexico since 2005. They originally had eleven drones but there have been two crashes since the program’s inception. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is charged with operating the drones for DHS. They would like to expand the program by buying 14 more drones at an additional cost of $443 million dollars.

The problem is that DHS’s Office of the Inspector General has released a new Watchdog Report critical of the first 8 years of this Border Drone Program. The report entitled, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Unmanned Aircraft System Program Does Not Achieve Intended Results or Recognize All Costs of Operations” has pointed out three (3) main problems.

Problem One:

Processing Time reports for all of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) Service Centers were released on 12/5/14 with processing dates as of 10/31/14.

If you filed a petition with one of the Service Centers, please review the links below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

California Service Center (CSC)

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