Articles Posted in Immigration News

Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets!

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy division of the American Immigration Council (AIC).

As Washington D.C. debates Comprehensive Immigration Reform, we thought that it would be an appropriate time to provide some statistics on the Immigrant population in the United States as provided by this IPC research. Once a week we will be posting a blog with information on four states at a time. This week we will highlight; Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and Michigan.

These USCIS statistics on DACA cases from 8/15/12 to 6/30/13 show a total of 537,662 DACA requests accepted for processing, 524,153 biometric services appointments scheduled, and 400,562 requests approved.

The data also shows the number of accepted and approved requests from the top countries of origin and the top states of residence. Mexico was the top county of origin with 408,759 received to date and 310,815 approved. California was the top state of residence with 152,855 received to date and 120,266 approved.

View the (.PDF) USCIS Report, “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process (July, 2013)

MVP Law Group, P.A. makes available the information and materials in this forum for informational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice or any contractual obligations. Further, the use of this site, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us through this forum will not be considered as privileged or confidential.

Question #1 – Family Based Immigration

My foreign born spouse and I were married in a U.S. state that recognizes same-sex marriage, but we live in a state that does not. Can I still file an immigrant visa petition for my spouse?

MVP Law Group’s Immigration Blog has been awarded a “Legal Information BLOG AWARD for 2013”. This award is given to the top 100 Legal Information Blogs by David Kang, Marketing Director, stated, “We are giving out this award only to a selected few who have contributed to the betterment of the society and we find your blog very helpful and original.”

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Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets!

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy division of the American Immigration Council (AIC).

As Washington D.C. debates Comprehensive Immigration Reform, we thought that it would be an appropriate time to provide some statistics on the Immigrant population in the United States as provided by this IPC research. Once a week we will be posting a blog with information on four states at a time. This week we will highlight; Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska and New Hampshire.

We wanted to find a new way to engage our reader base. Every other Friday, we will post the ten (10) best/most frequently asked questions received during the week from our h1bvisalawyerblog, Facebook, and Twitter readers. We will answer those questions and provide the Q&A on our H-1B Visa Lawyer Blog.

If you have a burning question, are seeking assistance with a difficult immigration related case, wish to discuss your views on Comprehensive Immigration Reform, DREAMers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, priority dates, the monthly visa bulletin, adjustment applications, etc., please contact us by submitting your question/comment/viewpoint in our comment box provided on our H-1B Visa Lawyer Blog.

Our next “Q & A Forum” will take place this Friday, July 19, 2013. Act now and submit your questions!

Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) Processing Times were released with processing dates as of July 2, 2013.

If you filed an appeal, please review the link below to determine the applicable processing time associated with your particular case.

Administrative Appeals Office

Immigration Policy Center Releases Updated State-by-State Fact Sheets!

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released all fifty states, the District of Columbia and the United States (Overall), for a total of fifty-two updated fact sheets with accompanying info graphics. These fact sheets highlight the demographic and economic impact of Immigrants, Asians and Latinos in each state. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy division of the American Immigration Council (AIC).

As Washington D.C. debates Comprehensive Immigration Reform, we thought that it would be an appropriate time to provide some statistics on the Immigrant population in the United States as provided by this IPC research. Once a week we will be posting a blog with information on four states at a time. This week we will highlight; Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia* and Idaho.

MVP Law Group, P.A. makes available the information and materials in this forum for informational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice or any contractual obligations. Further, the use of this site, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us through this forum will not be considered as privileged or confidential.

Question #1 – Family Based Immigration – Marriage

Can my same sex spouse partner apply for a Green Card now that DOMA has passed? I am a US Citizen and he is from Spain. We were wed in New York in 2011.

“Immigrants signed their names to our Declaration and helped win our independence. Immigrants helped lay the railroads and build our cities, calloused hand by calloused hand. Immigrants took up arms to preserve our union, to defeat fascism, and to win a Cold War. Immigrants and their descendants helped pioneer new industries and fuel our Information Age, from Google to the iPhone. So the story of immigrants in America isn’t a story of “them,” it’s a story of “us.” It’s who we are. And now, all of you get to write the next chapter.” – President Barack Obama

(Part of Speech given during military naturalization ceremony for active duty service members in the East Room of the White House, July 4, 2012)

No matter what your plans are for this Fourth of July, make it a memorable day by spending time with your family and friends. Have a picnic, go to the fireworks, watch a parade or just celebrate with a quiet moment. Please remember those brave men and women who gave their lives to defend our country and its freedoms.

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