Articles Posted in Immigration Reform

A coalition of high tech companies and bipartisan politicians, “The Partnership for a New American Economy” are planning a Virtual March on Washington D.C. supporting “Smart” Immigration Reform. “The March for Innovation“, is planned for the Spring, but no specific date has been set.

Their main goal is to make sure that comprehensive immigration reform includes provisions to attract and keep the world’s top college graduates and entrepreneurs in this country. On the subject of college graduates they stated, “Power our innovation economy by granting permanent residency to the world’s leading graduates in science, engineering, technology, and math who receive advanced degrees from U.S. universities. We currently train many of the world’s leading innovators in our universities only to send them abroad to compete against us.” On attracting and keeping entrepreneurs they stated, “Drive new business creation by providing visas to entrepreneurs who want to come to America to start businesses and create jobs. Countries like Canada, UK, Australia, Chile, and Singapore give visas and roll out the red carpet for entrepreneurs. We turn them away.”

By now you are probably asking, what is a virtual march? A virtual march in this case is an organized flooding of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter to inform congress and the country on the subject of smart immigration reform. To review their goals in more details and maybe even sign up, review the home page for “The March for Innovation”.

Senator John McCain held two town hall meetings in his home state of Arizona on Tuesday (2/19/13) to defend the bipartisan immigration reform proposal, “Bipartisan Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform“. After some heated comments on both sides, which you can view on the video I posted below, the two main subjects that worried this gathering emerged, “Border Security” and a “Path to Citizenship”.

On the subject of Border Security, Senator McCain stated that immigration reform should be contingent on better border security that must rely largely on technology to detect border crossings. Some wanted to know about the border fence that the federal government has been building along the Mexico border. Senator McCain stated that we have already spent 60 million dollars building it. The border fence is an important subject in Arizona, mainly because about a third of all illegal crossings take place in the state.

Another primary concern of the meeting was the “Path to Citizenship” for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. One suggested they should all become guest workers but not citizens! Another suggested they all be sent back, deported to their own country. John McCain felt that this was not the way to deal with the problem. “There are 11 million people living here illegally,” he said. “We are not going to get enough buses to deport them.” McCain said a tamper-proof Social Security card would help combat identity fraud, and noted any path to citizenship must require immigrants to learn English, cover back taxes and pay fines for breaking immigration laws.

I have just reviewed a blog written on the question of WHY. The blog post is entitled, “The WHY?s of Immigration Reform 2013” and it was posted on the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Leadership Blog. At first I thought they meant “WHY Immigration Reform.” Quickly I understood it was about why were so many people, whom the government calls stakeholders excluded from the discussions and why the same people who failed at this type of reform in the past seem to be out front with proposals.

There are many WHY questions being asked in this post; however, the author points out that his list of almost forty some questions does not include every question that needs to be asked. Author Michael Mandel (AILA Media Advocacy Committee Member) states, “Of course this list is not exhaustive, and many of the answers are obvious. But I do believe there is value in the asking”. We at MVP Law Group believe that these kinds of questions need to be included in the discussion.

MVP Law Group would like our blog readers to email us with your own questions or comments about Immigration Reform. We may include them in future blog posts on the subject! Remember, MVP Law Group always invites Immigration related questions for our bimonthly Immigration Q&A Forum!

On Tuesday night (2/12/13) President Obama gave his fifth State of the Union (SOTU) address. The address was a little more than one hour long with only about two minutes dedicated to the subject of Immigration Reform. I have included that portion of the speech on Immigration Reform below so you can read it for yourself. Everything the President included on Immigration Reform was part of his proposal, “Creating an Immigration System for the 21st Century“.

The reaction in Congress was positive, with loud applause coming from both the Democrats and Republicans, which was not the case with other portions of the President’s address. Another good indication that a true bipartisan agreement is possible is that four of the Senators (two from each party) that proposed the “Bipartisan Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform” were seated together and reacted together when Immigration Reform was mentioned. MVP Law Group looks forward to working with any changes Congress may make that improves the lives of our clients!

Portion of the 2013 SOTU address on Immigration Reform:

The White House has opened a new Website on the subject of the President’s 2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The opening web page is entitled, “Creating an Immigration System for the 21st Century“. They describe it as a resource for Americans to educate themselves on the issues. MVP Law Group has found it to be a good source of information to understand the President’s own proposal and his “Blueprint for Reform”.

“Remember that this is not just a debate about policy. It’s about people.” – President Obama

For more information on this subject, review the following links:

MVP Law Group would like to remind everyone to watch President Obama’s State of the Union Address. He will be speaking Tuesday Evening at 9:00 PM EST live from the U.S. Capitol. The White House has suggested that the focus of the address will be immigration, gun control and the economy. We will be listening for any new or expanded information on his proposal for Immigration Reform. We will also be posting more information on the President’s Immigration Reform Proposal tomorrow on our Immigration Blog!

Note: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will deliver the Republican Address to the Nation following the President’s State of the Union Address. He is one of the eight Senators listed on the “Bipartisan Framework for Immigration Reform” report.

For more information on this subject, review the following links:

Eight high ranking U.S. Senators, four Democrats and four Republicans have developed and agreed on a framework for Immigration Reform. This newly released outline is entitled, “Bipartisan Framework for Comprehensive Immigration Reform“. The first sentence of the framework is “We recognize that our immigration system is broken.” This sentence tells all about the need for comprehensive immigration reform in this country.

This framework is built on four main points which they call the “four basic legislative pillars” to achieve the goal of immigration reform. We have listed these “pillars” below. Each pillar is then taken individually and explained in more detail as part of the framework. We have also included links to the complete transcript of this document and to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from Senator John McCain’s web site.

We at MVP Law Group feel that this is a real start! Just having a bipartisan agreement between the Senators is a great achievement but to have a framework for immigration reform shows that there could be actual movement in this important area.

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