Immigration News – Top News Stories – Deportation (Personal Stories)

List of some of the Top News Stories related to Deportation:


Time (, 9/27/19:

Trump Administration Ends Protection That Lets Migrants Avoid Deportation While Receiving Medical Care

The Trump Administration has sent letters to affected immigrants stating that they are eliminating the protections that lets them remain in the country and avoid deportation while they or their relatives receive life-saving medical treatments or have other hardships.



McClatchy DC Bureau (, 9/26/19:

Kansas military family fights deportation of adopted Korean daughter

Retired Army Lt. Col. Patrick Schreiber was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 when he missed a critical deadline for his now-adopted daughter Hyebin to be able to apply for U.S. citizenship.



USA Today (, 9/16/19:

Jimmy Al-Daoud’s diabetes didn’t kill him — being deported to Iraq by Trump’s ICE did

Jimmy Al-Daoud was brought to the United States legally as a baby! Jimmy suffered with both diabetes and schizophrenia, he died alone, of a diabetic crisis at age 41 after being deported to Iraq.

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