Immigration News – Top News Stories – Immigration

List of some of the Top News Stories related to Immigration:


US News & World Report (, 3/4/22: 

Ukrainians in US Consider Taking Advantage of New Status 

Ukrainians in the U.S. are reacting to President Biden’s order to grant them humanitarian relief known as Temporary Protected Status (TPS) after Russia invaded their country. 



Washington Post (, 3/7/22: 

Opinion: A smarter deportation policy uses common sense 

Very few Americans would like to see mass deportations, realizing that a large majority of the estimated 10.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States have been here for at least a decade! 



The Hill (, 3/10/22: 

Court rulings add pressure on Biden to end Trump-era border policy 

The Biden administration is under increasing pressure to drop a key Trump-era border policy in the wake of seemingly contradictory court rulings on how to implement the measure amid loosening COVID-19 precautions. 

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